
Thanksgiving Prayer 2024

28-november-2024 by crucifyd


You are the object of our thankfulness.

You have made reconciliation and approaching the throne of grace possible through the meritorious righteousness of Christ and absolutely none of our own. Without his substitutionary atonement we have no standing with you and must take our rightfully deserved eternal punishment.

You are good and, even when things don't, as we like to say, "go our way", you have commanded us to be thankful for all of it. Although today we formalize it, please make us thankful every day and where we are not thankful, grant us repentance and thankfulness.

That being said, in obedience to you...
Thank you for day and night
Thank you for sun and rain
Thank you for good times and hard times
Thank you for joys and sorrows
Thank you for victories and defeats
Thank you for comfort and pain
Thank you for life and death

You create life, you sustain life and you take life at the appointed time. Thank you, for it is all from you and under your authority and command.

Our Lord and our God, thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed on your people and thank you for the food you have provided...

In Jesus name, Amen

- crucifyd -


Insane Lunacy

30-august-2024 by crucifyd

this is utter insane lunacy...

I kept looking at the URL to make sure I wasn't reading The Babylon Bee.

source: https://x.com/CNN/status/1639960392175697921

How Banking Works

10-august-2024 by crucifyd

who new the Stooges were monetary experts? describes it perfectly...

The Stooges Explain Banking
The Stooges Explain Banking [X · mp4]

Misc Email Debris

10-august-2024 by crucifyd

some stuff I found in the bowels of my email:

1 march 2023:

Youth is wasted on the young.

- Unknown -

13 april 2023:

You cannot simultaneously claim there are no essential characteristics of womanhood and also that "trans women are women". If there are no essential characteristics of womanhood, then no one is a woman.

- Unknown -

6 june 2023

I've long wanted there to be a metal band named Indecipherable, with a logo to match.

- Unknown -

31 July 2024 from the book "Passion and Purity"

If we hold tightly to anything given to us unwilling to allow it to be used as the Giver means it to be used we stunt the growth of the soul. What God gives us is not necessarily "ours" but only ours to offer back to him, ours to relinquish, ours to lose, ours to let go of, if we want to be our true selves. Many deaths must go into reaching our maturity in Christ, many letting goes.

- Elisabeth Elliot -

July 2024:

People who choose a political side are divided...

- Unknown -

July 2024:

Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.

- George Carlin -

26 July 2024:

It is not oppressive of men to keep women off the battlefield.

We’re trying to keep women from becoming victims, not sending them to war because they currently are.

We do not honor weaker vessels (1 Peter 3:7) by putting them in harms way.

- Sean Higgins -
source: https://x.com/tohuvabohu/...


Al's Auto Supply

5-june-2024 by crucifyd

The greatest thing ever...

He's about two inches too short to keep it off the ground while carrying it.

They never met, but the boy LOVES Great Gramps's old Al's Auto Supply Motor Oil can. He carried it around for about 20 minutes...this time.

Love you boy...

Al's Auto Supply
Al's Auto Supply [youtube · mp4]